INTEGRATED SKILLS, is a theme-based, two-level, ESP series designed to
prepare students for college and university-level specialized content. In order to
facilitate academic success, the series combines communicative activities with skill based exercises in listening, speaking, reading, writing, and grammar. It encompasses
a wide range of college and university specialties: business and office management,
banking, accounting, marketing, tourism, health sciences, and the hotel service
industry. Essentials of English focuses on the real needs of ESP students who
require vocational English in order to help them deal with various majors at college
and university.
INTEGRATED SKILLS, is a theme-based, two-level, ESP series designed to
prepare students for college and university-level specialized content. In order to
facilitate academic success, the series combines communicative activities with skill based exercises in listening, speaking, reading, writing, and grammar. It encompasses
a wide range of college and university specialties: business and office management,
banking, accounting, marketing, tourism, health sciences, and the hotel service
industry. Essentials of English focuses on the real needs of ESP students who
require vocational English in order to help them deal with various majors at college
and university.
To achieve this goal, topics are carefully selected from authentic relevant
materials covering a variety of college and university courses. This exposes students
to the realities of specialized language requirements so they may gauge their own
needs according to their individual stage of language acquisition. The materials are
interwoven and interrelated to create cohesion and homogeneity in terms of themes,
vocabulary, grammar, listening, and speaking activities. Spiral recycling is also
maintained throughout the book.
INTEGRATED SKILLS is made up of eight thematically-based units. Each unit
consists of listening, speaking, reading, writing, and grammar.
The Before Listening, Listening, and After Listening sections activate
students’ prior knowledge, guide them to listen for main ideas and specific
information, and increase their understanding through comprehension questions and
vocabulary recycling. Various task-based practice exercises reinforce listening
The Vocabulary Preview introduces students to new vocabulary in the
listening and reading sections. The listening sections increase students’ listening
comprehension through task-based practice. Pictures provide valuable context for
each topic.
The Before Reading, Reading, and After Reading sections provide
scaffolding to help students build an understanding of authentic language. It does so
by assisting them in the identification of main ideas while reinforcing understanding
through the use of comprehension questions. In addition, language-learning strategies
such as making good guesses about vocabulary and understanding pronoun reference
provide students with the reading-comprehension tools they require. Students also
have the opportunity to generate language in a semi-controlled format through
discussions and writing exercises. Students are encouraged to contribute their own
opinions on subjects related to the various units.
The Grammar section contains explanations and charts that provide clear,
easy-to-understand, and visually-appealing grammar presentations. The exercises
in this section give students controlled practice of specific grammatical points, as
well as some freer, communicative-based practice.
Writing exercises, in the form of controlled writing practice, develop naturally
from the reading and grammar sections.
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